Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lista Fyr

On July 24, which was a sunny and warm day, Odd and Karen-Mai took us over to the town of Lista to the lighthouse (fyr) there which overlooks the North Sea. It is well over an hour's drive from Kristiansand, and along the way we stopped in a couple of small coastal towns. In Mandal we walked along the shopping street and Karen-Mai and I went into Husfliden, a store that sells bunads (traditional Norwegian clothing) and related items. In Vanse there is a shop called Trunken that sells American items--it was strange to see some familiar items as "imported." When we arrived at the lighthouse, we enjoyed a lunch that Karen-Mai had packed. We looked around the small museum near the lighthouse, and then Mike and I climbed up the steps to enjoy the view from near the top of the lighthouse. The countryside is strewn with large rocks, and smaller rocks have been piled along fields as fences. It is very beautiful there.

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